Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Wong Jason
December 4th 2018
English 10a

Final Project # 2 Play

Characters(people who lost the one they care about the most)

J- tall, male, “leader” of the group, calm, confident, lost his parents and his little sister, only in his thirties

A- tall, female, calm, confident, girl version of J (pretty much), lost her father, only in her thirties

S- short, female, shy, frantic, clumsy, bad at public speaking (but is getting better at it), stutters a lot due to her shyness, lost her grandfather, only in her teen years

O- medium-sized, male, loud, jokester, always smiling regardless of the situation, older twin brother, lost their parents, only in their twenties

N- medium-sized, female, calm, confident, opposite of O, younger twin brother, wears glasses, lost their older sister, only in their twenties

W- tall, male, quiet, does not talk much, tallest of the bunch, bulky type, lost his little sister, only in his twenties

O2- medium-sized, male, loud, jokester, always smiling regardless of the situation, younger twin brother, lost their parents, only in their twenties

N2- medium-sized, female, calm, confident, opposite of O2, older twin brother, wears glasses, lost their older sister, only in their twenties

G- medium-sized, female, quiet, calm, confident, lost her older brother, only in her twenties


The curtains starts to spread apart and the show is about to start as the lights start to illuminate the stage. As the lights start to fade into more of a dim lighting, there it reviews on the stage nine actors in what it appears to be a dimly lit room with which the actors look like they are having a serious conversation. The nine actors are mostly on center stage. All of the actors are all wearing dark cloaks so it is rare to see facial expressions and hand gestures.  The nine actors surround a table which looks like it has large paper like object on top of it. They are all looking at it intensely.

Scene 1

Okay guys this is the plan to bring world peace!
(Slams the table hard)
We need this plan to go through in order to change the world!
(looks at the rest of the group with fire in his eyes)
This is a huge opportunity that we could not let up!
(looks downward)
Those greedy bastards took my loved ones away from me, my normal life away from me…

(grabs J’s hand)
I agree.
(looks into J’s eyes)
You are not the only one that they took things away from us, we are all affected from this incident, we all had our lives strippen away from us. Isn’t that right guys?
(looks to the others)

(while saying it, closing her eyes then shyly avoiding eye contact by looking at the floor)
W-w-w-well they took away my older brother, he perished protecting me
(still trying to avoid eye contact)

O and O2
(as they say simultaneously)
(they both say as they start chanting)

(looks back at J)
You are not the only one who had their life stolen from them, everybody also had it bad. But we will work together to get it back.

(looks at his team and starts to tear up)
Yeah lets do this together!
(he then wipes his eyes)

Alright, you can shut up now you buffoons
(he says to O and O2)
There is no point of getting all riled up right now, save your energy for later

Will this plan actually work
(looks at J with a worried look)

I am hoping it will work because this will change the whole world
(he grabs out a red pen and a few pins)
Lets go over the plan again
(as he starts to write on the paper like object on the table and starts putting down the pins that are used for markers)
We will have to split the group into two groups because we do not want to group up and get caught altogether, we will work for each other sort of like a normal society. This will be Group A led by me, I will take O, O2, W, and S with me.
(he places a red pin on the gridded-map)
Group B will be led by A and she will go along with N, N2, G.
(J places a blue marker on the map)
The privileged government is guarded by a surrounding, giant, cemented wall with weapon turrets all around it, but every single day they dump garbage out to keep their “paradise” clean by shooting them out of the garbage shoot on both sides of this giant fortress right here and there.
(J places two green pins on the map of the fortress)
The weapons usually shut down for a good ten minutes or else the weapons will shoot down the drones that scoop all the garbage out, away from the walls of the fortress because they are so conceited that they even want to keep their walls clean. We will have to go through the holes of the garbage shoot right when they are done shooting out all the garbage, we will have to time this right or else they will figure us out and we will not get another chance.

W-w-w-we have to go through all that stinky garbage in order to infiltrate the g-g-g-giant f-f-fortress!?
(she starts to look nervously around the room)

Hmmm…. It seems like there are no other choice to get into the fortress so S, please stop being a big baby
(he folds his arms and adjusts his glasses)
There are many worst things in the current world we live in than garbage. We all have seen worse things than garbage.

That is right, you most likely have not seen much as we did because you were asleep when the blast happened and it happened so fast that when you awaken, you were more confused than traumatized.
(she says as she pats S’s head)

O and O2
Yeah do not worry S we can protect you, we are big enough to block out the garbage because together we are big enough to form a meatshield to guard you from any incoming garbage
(they both say simultaneously and smiling brightly towards S)

(Looks to everybody with a worried look)

(notices the worried look on his face and proceeds to ask)
What is wrong big guy, is there something wrong with a plan?

(W points to the center of the map where the center indicating what do we do when they actually get into the fortress)

Ah yes that. Well I was going to get to that right now big buddy. Once we get inside, it should look more like a forest than a desert wasteland and we can use the forest for cover to sneak past the guards on duty. That is why we can not be in big groups or it will be easier for them to spot us, also a lot of us moving all at once will make too much movement, making them hear us.

We should also make a rendezvous point in case any of us gets separated from Group A and Group B or if we ever need to make a fast escape, we should meet up and leave together.
(she says while staring intensely at the plan details)

Yes that is good thinking A!
(he says sort of excitedly)

(he starts to think hard on where this idea can be at)
How about this area?
(he points to an area where it is mostly darkened)
There are a lot of trees there so the guards will not look for us there because they can not get through and nobody would expect anybody or anything to be here. Also at night it would be dark enough so if anybody gets injured or too fatigue we can rest up, also there are enough leaves and branches on those trees to make a nice little shelter.

Yes that is also some good thinking because with the food rations we have, there are barely to go around because those government bastards took everything away and left us with nothing, left us to fend for ourselves.
(he says angrily)

How are we going to survive on the food we have, we barely have any in our village.
(he says with a worried tone)

Well on my adventures, as I was getting to this point of my trip and my decision to change the world, I have met with other people who shared some of their food with me which I saved for this moment. There should be enough to go around. I also told them about my plans to change the world and they decided to gamble everything on us.
(he says confidently)

G-g-gamble all on u-u-us!? That is too much anxiety for me.
(she tries to cover her shyness with her hands)

It is okay, that means we have more to fight for
(she says while trying to still motivate the no confidence S)

O and O2
(they say loudly and even more confidently as the spirits of everybody in the world is riding on the the nine of them backs)

Well if everybody gets the plan then I have one last thing to say. Be careful everybody and get back safely, I have already lost enough and I do not want to lose anymore so just please be extra extra careful while traveling there and when we enter there is no turning back, only going forward.

(everybody agrees in unison and shouts at the top of their lungs “right!” then puts their thumbs in the air as it is a form of their friendship and teamwork)

Everybody exits off the stage

End of scene 1 and Act. 1

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